VenoBox is responsive touch and swipe-friendly JavaScript lightbox plugin that can be used for any type of lightbox gallery easily. It is suitable for images, inline content, iframes, and videos.



npm install venobox
composer require nicolafranchini/venobox

How to use it:

1. Include the Javascript venobox.min.js at the bottom of the web page.

<script src="js/venobox.min.js"></script>

2. Include the CSS venobox.min.css in the header of the page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/venobox.min.css">

3. Add the basic HTML to the page.

<a class="my-image-links" data-gall="gallery01" href="image01-big.jpg"><img src="image01-small.jpg"></a>

4. Initialize the plugin and we're ready to go.

new VenoBox({
  selector: '.my-image-links',
  numeration: true,
  infinigall: true,
  share: true,
  spinner: 'rotating-plane'

Plugin’s default options:

Option Description Default
selector Items selector '.venobox'
autoplay Automatic play for videos false
bgcolor Background color of the item (also affects border color, if has a border) '#ffffff'
border Border thickness of the modal window '0px'
customClass Set an additional custom class to the main .vbox-overlay wrapper, can be overridden by single items with data-customclass=""
Accepts single class name without .dot
infinigall Infinite gallery, jumps from last to first item and vice versa false
maxWidth Custom max window width, can be overridden by single items with data-maxwidth=""
Accepts any standard css length unit
navigation Show navigation arrows true
navKeyboard Enable navigation with keyboard keys true
navTouch Enable swipe touch / drag true
navSpeed Gallery transition speed (milliseconds) 300
numeration Show navigation number and total items in current gallery false
overlayClose Set false to disable the overlay click-close and keep enabled only the [×] close button true
overlayColor Backdrop color 'rgba(255,255,255,0.85)'
popup Show automatic popup on page load. (e.g. "#my-link") false
ratio Aspect ratio applied to iframes and videos
Available: '1x1' | '4x3' | '16x9' | '21x9' | 'full'
share Sharing buttons for images and videos false
shareStyle Sharing buttons style
available: 'block' | 'pill' | 'transparent' | 'bar'
spinColor Preloader color '#d2d2d2'
spinner Preloader type
Available: 'plane' | 'chase' | 'bounce' | 'wave' | 'pulse' | 'flow' | 'swing' | 'circle' | 'circle-fade' | 'grid' | 'fold | 'wander'
titleattr Specific attribute to display a title (e.g. 'data-title') 'title'
titlePosition Title position, available: 'top' or 'bottom' 'top'
titleStyle Title style.
Available: 'block' | 'pill' | 'transparent' | 'bar'
toolsBackground UI background color (Title and Share buttons) '#1C1C1C'
toolsColor UI color (Title, Share buttons and gallery navigation) '#d2d2d2'

Image Lightbox

HTML structure

<a class="my-image-links" data-gall="gallery01" href="image01-big.jpg"><img src="image01-small.jpg"></a>


new VenoBox({
  selector: '.my-image-links',
  numeration: true,
  infinigall: true,
  share: true,
  spinner: 'rotating-plane'

Vimeo, YouTube, MP4

HTML structure

<a class="my-video-links" data-autoplay="true" data-vbtype="video" href="">Vimeo</a>
<a class="my-video-links" data-autoplay="true" data-vbtype="video" href="">Youtube</a>
<a class="my-video-links" data-autoplay="true" data-vbtype="video" data-ratio="1x1" data-maxwidth="400px" href="my-video.mp4">MP4</a>


new VenoBox({
  selector: '.my-video-links',

Google Map, Iframe, Ajax, Inline

HTML structure

<a class="my-custom-links" data-vbtype="iframe" href="">Gmaps</a>
<a class="my-custom-links" data-vbtype="iframe" href="">iFrame</a>
<a class="my-custom-links" data-vbtype="ajax" data-maxwidth="800px" href="ajax.php">Ajax</a>
<a class="my-custom-links" data-vbtype="inline" data-maxwidth="400px" href="#inline-content">Inline</a>

<div id="inline-content" style="display:none;">
    <h1>Hello world!</h1>


new VenoBox({
  selector: '.my-custom-links',