jQuery Collapse


How to use it:

1. Include the Javascript jquery.collapse.js at the bottom of the web page.

<script src="path/to/jquery.collapse.js"></script>

2. There are no CSS file included within this plugin for default styling, so you can use demo.css file from demo folder or styling yourself as per the project requirements. Also you can use the CSS from below.

.jq-accordion{ margin: 0; padding: 0;}
.jq-accordion h3{ margin: 0; padding: 0 0 0 20px; background: #9c9fff; color: #FFF; margin-top: 2px; position: relative;}
.jq-accordion h3::after{ content: '\f105'; font-family: FontAwesome; position: absolute; left: 20px; top: 7px; display: inline-block;}
.jq-accordion h3 a{ color: #FFF; padding: 8px 20px; display: block;}
.jq-accordion h3.open::after{ transform: rotate(90deg);}
.jq-content{ background: #FFF; padding: 25px;}

3. Add the basic HTML to the page and we're ready to go.

<div class="jq-accordion" data-collapse="accordion">
  <h3 class="open">Fruits</h3>
  <div class="jq-content">
  <div class="jq-content">
    <p>You can use any container you like (in this case a div element)</p>

JavaScript usage

  // options...

Plugin's default options:

Name Default/Useage Type Description
function(){ this.show() }
function Custom function for opening section
function(){ this.hide() }
function Custom function for collapsing section
accordion false Boolean Enable accordion behaviour by setting this option to 'true'
persist false Boolean Enable persistence between page loads by setting this option to 'true'
query string
clickQuery string

Example usage of options:

// Initializing collapse plugin
// with custom open/close methods,
// persistence plugin and accordion behaviour
  open: function() {
    // The context of 'this' is applied to
    // the collapsed details in a jQuery wrapper
  close: function() {
  accordion: true,
  persist: true

Binding events

$("#demo").bind("opened", function(e, section) {
  console.log(section, " was opened");
$("#demo").bind("closed", function(e, section) {
  console.log(section, " was closed");

Triggering events

$("#demo").trigger("open") // open all sections
$("#demo").trigger("close") // close all sections
$("#demo h2 a").last().trigger("toggle") // toggle last section

API methods

var demo = new jQueryCollapse($("#demo")); // Initializing plugin
demo.open(); // Open all sections
demo.close(); // Close all sections
demo.open(0); // Open first section
demo.open(1); // Open second section
demo.close(0); // Close first section
demo.toggle(1); // Toggle second section

Basic Accordion


  • Apple
  • Pear
  • Orange


You can use any container you like (in this case a div element)

HTML structure

<div class="jq-accordion" data-collapse>
  <div class="jq-content">
  <div class="jq-content">
    <p>You can use any container you like (in this case a div element)</p>

** No additional script is required. For basic styling please add the CSS from the post page.

Accordion active first


  • Apple
  • Pear
  • Orange


You can use any container you like (in this case a div element)

HTML structure

<div class="jq-accordion" data-collapse="accordion">
      <h3 class="open">Fruits</h3>
      <div class="jq-content">
      <div class="jq-content">
        <p>You can use any container you like (in this case a div element)</p>

** No additional script is required. For basic styling please add the CSS from the post page.

CSS3 Animations


This example simply sets a class attribute to the details and let's an external stylesheet toggle the collapsed state.

Hello Sir.

I'm sliding


This example simply sets a class attribute to the details and let's an external stylesheet toggle the collapsed state.

Hello Sir.


This example simply sets a class attribute to the details and let's an external stylesheet toggle the collapsed state.

HTML structure

<div class="jq-accordion" id="css3-animated-example">
  <div class="jq-content">
    <div class="content">
      <p>This example simply sets a class attribute to the details and let's an
      external stylesheet toggle the collapsed state.</p>
      <p>Hello Sir.</p>
      <p>I'm sliding</p>
  <div class="jq-content">
    <div class="content">
      <p>This example simply sets a class attribute to the details and let's an
      external stylesheet toggle the collapsed state.</p>
      <p>Hello Sir.</p>
  <div class="jq-content">
    <div class="content">
      <p>This example simply sets a class attribute to the details and let's an
      external stylesheet toggle the collapsed state.</p>


  accordion: true,
  open: function() {
    this.css({ height: this.children().outerHeight() });
  close: function() {
    this.css({ height: "0px" });


#css3-animated-example h3 + div{ display: block!important; height: 0px; padding: 0px; overflow: hidden; transition: all 0.3s ease;}
#css3-animated-example .content{ padding: 25px;}